Lead Tracking simplified – without breaking the bank

Tired of complex tracking systems that drain your resources? Myphoner enhances lead management with intuitive tracking, allowing you to focus on growth while keeping your costs low.

App screenshot
What we do

Automation, transparency and results that matter

Myphoner is a unique tool for outbound sales, combining a lightweight sales CRM with a superior lead queue and power dialer into an easy, but efficient, lead tracking solution for sales teams.

Anche noi addetti alle vendite possiamo capire come farlo funzionare. In genere non mi piace usare i CRM per le chiamate a freddo perché sono semplicemente troppo goffi e tengono traccia di troppe cose che non contano per i lead non qualificati. Lo strumento Myphoner fornisce un'interfaccia molto più semplice e veloce per effettuare chiamate a freddo e, combinato con Zapier, fa risparmiare tempo.

Paul Pace
Paul Pace
Account Executive, AHK Electronic Sheet Metal, Inc.

You can set up automated capturing of leads from your lead generation efforts to quickly and easily start the sales process when new leads drip into your pipeline.

With features like our dynamic lead distribution, accessible performance insights and activity reports as well as an open API and Zapier integration, Myphoner will allow you to increase automation and transparency and get results that matter for in-house product sales teams as well as agencies.

What is lead tracking?

Lead tracking is the process of following a sales lead through the sales pipeline until it becomes a customer, keeping track of activity and enhancing lead information during the process. Some also call it prospecting.

The approach to lead tracking differs from system to system, where some weigh reporting over workflow and others vice versa. Either can be a pain whether you are an agent, an analyst, a client or a manager.

At Myphoner we value simplicity and our focus is on a system that's easy-to-use while keeping advanced functionality under the hood as much as possible. We've created a simple way of controlling required information through the different steps of your pipeline and compiled a set of reports that gives you all the transparency you need while keeping agents efficient.

Trusted Worldwide

British Council
Monsido Webmaster Tool

Consiglio vivamente Myphoner ad altre startup, un ottimo strumento, facile da usare, conveniente, fa sparire tutto il dolore quando si tratta di chiamate a freddo e come start-up otterrai il massimo dal tuo investimento.

Jacob Riff
Jacob Riff
Co-Founder | Monsido

Chi può trarne beneficio

Abbiamo clienti in molti settori

I nostri clienti abbracciano una vasta gamma di settori e tutti traggono vantaggi dall'utilizzo della nostra esclusiva soluzione di tracciamento dei lead.

Alcuni di questi settori sono menzionati in questo elenco.

Prodotti SaaS
Semplifica i processi di acquisizione e fidelizzazione dei clienti attraverso un'efficiente gestione dei lead.
Prodotti fisici
Migliora la visibilità dell'inventario e le opportunità di vendita con il monitoraggio mirato dei lead.
Semplifica la gestione dei clienti e il monitoraggio degli interessi immobiliari per tempi di chiusura più rapidi.
Energia e solare
Supporta la crescita sostenibile con una precisa segmentazione dei lead e strategie di follow-up.
Servizi legali
Facilita l'acquisizione di casi e clienti ottimizzando i tempi di risposta e i follow-up dei lead.
Educazione, coaching e consulenza
Migliora i tassi di iscrizione gestendo in modo efficace potenziali studenti e clienti potenziali.
Fissazione dell'appuntamento
Aumenta i tassi di conversione organizzando e dando priorità in modo efficiente ai contatti principali per gli appuntamenti.
Ricerca di mercato
Consente decisioni basate sui dati attraverso il reclutamento semplificato dei partecipanti e il monitoraggio del coinvolgimento.
Telemarketing generale
Aumenta l'efficienza delle chiamate e le percentuali di successo con funzionalità avanzate di gestione e definizione delle priorità dei lead.
Servizi di consulenza finanziaria
Migliora l'acquisizione e la fidelizzazione dei clienti monitorando e gestendo con precisione i lead e le richieste degli investitori.

Ottieni Myphoner

Semplice soluzione di tracciamento dei lead attraverso un flusso di lavoro unico per le chiamate a freddo.

Personalised campaign dashboard in Myphoner.
How we do it

How does lead tracking work in Myphoner?


Capture Leads Through Marketing Tool Integrations

Through zapier.com, Myphoner provides easy integration of more than 3,000 services and tools.

When deciding on and setting up a new lead tracking system, it’s essential to make sure you are easily able to get leads from all different sources into the pipeline: whether generated from social media, a webpage, email or others.

With Zapier, you can connect your lead generation source with Myphoner in just a few clicks. New leads will then be automatically transferred into Myphoner.

Create new leads in Myphoner through a "Zap"

Organise your Leads in Lists

In Myphoner, we group leads into lists - a simple way to keep your data organised.

You can view lists as campaigns, steps in your pipeline or any other term that accommodates the way you work with leads.

One way of organising leads that are being tracked from different lead generation sources is to create a single list for each lead source.

In our reports, you will then be able to compare the performance and activity on each list of leads separately.

During prospecting, you can move leads through different lists that comprise the steps of your pipeline, as you see fit.

Personalised campaign dashboard in Myphoner

Myphoner, finora è il mio CRM preferito. Ho utilizzato diversi CRM diversi e Myphoner è conveniente e ti aiuta davvero a organizzarti. Il tracciamento è eccezionale, l'automazione è sorprendente e la uso tutti i giorni.

Lawrence Gross
Lawrence Gross
Account Manager, Green Integrations

Capture information as leads progress in the funnel

Part of prospecting is the collection of relevant data about a lead.

Myphoner helps agents remember to collect required information, by setting rules for what fields must be filled before certain actions can be taken on your leads.

This way you can ensure that leads entering a new stage of the pipeline has all the required information, needed for further processing.

Require data before certain dispositions in Myphoner

Use segments to fine tune your workflow

Using our lead segmentation functionality, you can handle several marketing campaigns that each span multiple sources.

To do this, just have Myphoner collect leads from each campaign into a corresponding list, marking them with their source and then segment the list by source.

Segments in Myphoner are very powerful. You can segment based on multiple criteria and delegate each segment to different agents.

Segments are easily created and maintained in Myphoner

Ho appena iniziato le chiamate a freddo con la mia azienda una settimana fa e ho già trovato un immenso valore nell'implementare Myphoner. Ci è voluto solo un giorno guardando i cinquanta fogli di calcolo che avevo diviso per stati per sapere che doveva esserci un'opzione per aiutarmi a risparmiare tempo e denaro. Myphoner è stata la risposta facile a tutti i miei problemi.

Sarah Oberg
Sarah Oberg
COO, Black Market Glass

Distributing Leads among Agents - "The Queue"

Once you have organised your incoming leads, Myphoner’s queue will take care of the rest.

When there are multiple agents, the queueing system will make sure each agent gets the next lead in the queue - except those that have been claimed or are currently being called by other agents.

Claimed leads are those that have been reached by an agent and should thus be followed up on by that same agent. Our claiming settings are flexible and adjustable, and have sensible defaults.

Our queue provides dynamic lead distribution, which has proved to work well for hundreds of teams. Of course, it is also entirely possible to divide leads into more lists and/or segments and assign agents one list each - a more traditional form of lead distribution.

Viewing your personal, prioritised queue of leads to call

Ho cercato un programma per settimane, tutto era occupato e pieno di funzionalità non necessarie, ho finalmente trovato Myphoner, ed è la piattaforma di chiamate a freddo più efficiente di sempre!! puoi avere più agenti che lavorano dallo stesso elenco di dati, è davvero fantastico!

Justin Kessler
Justin Kessler
, Market1

Never again forget to follow up on a prospect

Persistent followups are crucial to success, but remembering to follow up should be the work of a machine, not an agent. That's why we've baked it right in to our scheduler.

To be productive, agents must never miss a lead. Leads should be presented so that agents can put their energy into the sales pitch, rather than worrying about whether there was a better lead to call.

The Myphoner queueing system inspires confidence – it selects the best lead, determining which one to call next. No need to go fishing for leads ever again.

The agent decide whether the followup should occur on a particular day, at a specific time or after a set amount of time has passed.

Scheduling a call back in Myphoner

La funzione di pianificazione è incredibile! non posso dirti quante volte ho dimenticato di richiamare i numeri usando solo un foglio excel.

Michael Nguyen
Michael Nguyen
Founder, Click Metrics

Taking winning leads to the next step

Once converted, you can pass won leads on to your corporate CRM, or elsewhere.

It’s just like bringing new leads in through integrations.

Though we have features in place to function as a light-weight CRM system, it's likely that you want to pass won leads on to the rest of the organisation.

Once again using Zapier, you can trigger the creation of a new customer, deal or opportunity in your CRM as soon as a lead is marked as "Winner" in the last step of your pipeline.

Moving new winners from Myphoner to your CRM in a "Zap"

Stavamo cercando una soluzione software per le chiamate che potesse integrarsi perfettamente con il nostro CRM. Utilizziamo Myphoner per il processo di prequalificazione. Tutti i sospetti e i potenziali clienti sono in Myphoner e ogni volta che il contatto diventa un lead o un perso, lo inviamo automaticamente al nostro CRM ed eseguiamo campagne (di marketing) su questi contatti. Se cerchi un software in grado di integrarsi e comunicare con il tuo CRM questa è la strada da percorrere.

Wouter Vonk
Wouter Vonk
Marketing Manager, SimpledCard

Keeping Track with Activity Reports

With our powerful sales reports, you can easily track activity and calls at all times. You can scope the report by several parameters, including agent, call result and timeframe. This makes it easy to, for example, investigate what happened with all the calls Tom made today that resulted in a lost lead.

  • Group calls by date, campaign, agent and result of call
  • Expand to view individual leads for any grouping
  • View average and summed call duration
  • Sort by any grouping and view subtotals
  • Download to Excel
  • Printer friendly
Myphoner offers several different sales reports. Here's an example of a detailed report
Client Management

Manage leads for multiple clients at once

Group client data in secure data silos, manage agent access across clients and create a branded experience for your customers.

  • Create separate silos for each client, where other clients' data and settings do not interfere
  • Brand your Myphoner account with your colors and logo
  • Whitelabel your Myphoner account with your own domain and no mention of the Myphoner brand (add-on)
  • Invite clients to view real-time activity reports and more
Branded Agency Login

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