Close vs. Myphoner

Choosing the outreach tool that's right for you

All businesses are unique and require different tools, & at Myphoner, we understand that. The point of this comparison isn't to bash Close but to help you understand what problems we're trying to solve.


Close is an all-in-one solution, providing a solution to run your entire sales funnel; Close's main aims are to:

  • Help scaling sales teams manage complex sales workflows

  • Provide as many features as possible in one solution

  • Provide a complete CRM solution

  • Automate sales outreach as much as possible


Built for sales teams focusing on the beginning of the sales funnel, making cold outreach as simple as possible. Myphoner aims to:

  • Help anyone conducting cold outreach.

  • Make getting started quick & painless

  • Give you only the features you need

  • Provide full transparency to your team

  • Help agencies manage multiple client campaigns easily

Feature breakdown

Close CRMMyphoner
PriceStarting From $49Starting From $19
BudgetExpensiveBest Value
SupportPremium E-mailIn-app messaging and E-mail
CRMFull CRMLight-weight CRM
Ideal WorkflowAdvancedSimple
Lead Queue
Client Silos/Subaccounts
Time Tracking
Capterra 'Ease of Use4.64.7
Capterra 'Value for Money’4.44.7
What sets us apart

Close CRM vs. Myphoner - The Game Changers

Dynamische Lead-Warteschlangen

Es ist nicht erforderlich, Aufgaben zu erstellen oder die Nachverfolgung manuell zu planen und zu entscheiden, an wem der nächste Leiter gearbeitet werden soll. Myphoner übernimmt das für Sie.

Im Gegensatz zu anderen Plattformen erleichtert Myphoner mehreren Benutzern die Arbeit an derselben Warteschlange, ohne dass dies Nachteile mit sich bringt.

Einfache Zeiterfassung

Im Gegensatz zu Close CRM ist die Zeiterfassung direkt in Myphoner integriert.

So können Manager leicht erkennen, wie viel Zeit Vertriebsmitarbeiter mit der Bearbeitung von Leads verbringen, und nützliche Erkenntnisse direkt in Berichten bereitstellen. Keine Add-ons oder Plugins erforderlich; es funktioniert einfach.

Agenturorientierte Tools

Close konzentriert sich auf Vertriebsteams, während wir uns sowohl auf Vertriebsteams als auch auf Agenturen konzentrieren.

Wir bieten Funktionen, die es Agenten ermöglichen, an mehreren Kundenkampagnen gleichzeitig zu arbeiten, und geben Managern gleichzeitig die Tools an die Hand, die sie für die effektive Verwaltung ihrer Kunden benötigen.

Holen Sie sich Myphoner

Einfache Lead-Tracking-Lösung durch einen einzigartigen Kaltakquise-Workflow.

Personalised campaign dashboard in Myphoner.
How to choose

The Verdict

Choose Close CRM if:

  • You have complex sales workflows

  • You are looking for an all one solution

  • You have a large sales team

  • You need a lot of automation directly in your sales outreach tool

Myphoner is a great Close software alternative if:

  • You need an easy way to qualify leads

  • You are looking for a simple solution that provides only the feature you need

  • Your team is growing and needs to be agile enough to make workflow changes quickly

  • You value simple reporting that is easy to understand

Weltweit vertrauenswürdig

British Council
Monsido Webmaster Tool

Was unsere Kunden über uns sagen

Es ist benutzerfreundlich und einfach, bietet aber dennoch ein fortschrittliches Toolkit für das Lead-Management. Keine Notwendigkeit mehr für schwere und überteuerte Lead-Management-Software :)

Koen Van der Weijden
Koen Van der Weijden

Myphoner bietet vollständige Transparenz über die Leistung jedes Agenten und die Wirksamkeit unserer Kampagnen.

Eric Elming
Eric Elming
Sales Manager, Skyepack

Myphoner ist ein Muss für Kaltakquise. Es ist eines der einfachsten und effizientesten Tools, mit denen ich je gearbeitet habe. Die wenigen Male, in denen ich Fragen hatte, hat mir der Kundenservice innerhalb von Minuten geholfen!

Maarten Bakuwel
Maarten Bakuwel
Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ Myphoner or Close

How does Close CRM pricing stack up?

Pricing is always a touchy subject; we all want to get the best price. Close CRM software reviews on GetAPP show a lower value-for-money score than Myphoner.

Overall, Myphoner provides the features you need at the right price & has pricing plans that grow with you.

Is Myphoner a true Close software alternative?

The answer depends on the specific needs of your sales team. However, in general, if you are looking for a simple solution that enables your sales team to easily follow up with pre-qualified leads & manage them to the point of qualifying them, then yes, Myphoner is a true Close software alternative.

What type of support does Close offer?

For their standard plans, they offer self-service & email support. Myphoner offers self-service, email & 24/7 chat support to clients.

What does built-in VoIP mean?

Simply put, the ‘phone system’ is built into the application without needing a 3rd party provider. The benefit of having the option to use a 3rd party and inbuilt VoIP means that you have the flexibility to use the right provider depending on your needs.

What's the difference between the Close CRM & Myphoner CRM?

A customer relationship management (CRM) tool helps companies manage customers' life cycles (or potential customers). We’ve built a fit-for-use CRM that only provides the features you need as we focus on the beginning of the customer journey.

Close’s all-in-one CRM provides many features to cover as many bases as possible and has a different focus than ours. The Close CRM is great if you want to manage qualified leads but cumbersome when working on many leads to qualify.

The potential disadvantage to a CRM such as Closes’ is that there are features you don’t need and won't use, making it difficult and time-consuming to train new hires.

Does Close CRM cater to telesales/telemarketing agencies?

No, they don’t; they are specifically designed for in-house sales teams. Myphoner, on the other hand, is built for both telesales agencies and sales teams. We have many features designed to make telemarketing companies' lives easier. From keeping client data separate, to call centre tools, we have you covered.

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